Credentialing and Insurance Enrollment Services for Critical Access Hospitals

CMS licensed facilities are required to meet the Conditions of Participation medical staff licensing standards, as well as other credentialing requirements – and we can help! Medical Provider Resources can also perform the insurance enrollment of the employed providers. We support healthcare providers, group practices, facilities, and networks by providing an efficient solution to meet the growing demands for credentialing.

Who We Help

  • Example Client: Director of Medical Staff Services for a Critical Access Hospital
  • Client Challenge: Not enough time! Directors wear many hats with different roles at the hospital, including patient care, keeping doctors happy, and ensuring good relationships are kept within the hospital’s business office. Credentialing changes happen daily, making it hard to keep up with the changes and all other tasks. Credentialing often gets put on the back burner.

Real Client Quotes

  • “Things are changing every day. I can’t keep up.”
  • “So good to know my credentialing files are up to date.”
  • “I’m having trouble understanding the insurance websites.”

How We Help

  • Our credentialing services experts ensure your hospital credentialing files are always up to date.
  • Act as a resource for questions on medical credentialing services, provider credentialing, or insurance enrollment services.
  • Ensure all credentialing files will meet all the hospital licensing requirements for CMS.

MPR can take care of meeting your credentialing standards and hospital licensing requirements for CMS so you can devote time to other responsibilities. Contact us to get started!

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